Ab Workouts Specifically for Girl’s Body

Girls crave flat abs, a ripped core, and a sexy six-pack. They hunt after the thrill of being able to show off their midsections that men drool over. For some women, the disbelief of actually getting to a place where they can show off their midsections is overwhelming.

Surprisingly to some girls, is the idea that you need to lose the excess body fat around the midsection is misconstrued. They don’t target their ab muscles because they are overwhelmed with the idea that they need to lose the weight to do it.

Or, they are doing tons of crunches but, neglecting a full body workout. In actuality, by giving yourself a full-body workout you can still achieve flat abs. Building muscle helps to burn calories. Muscles burn calories twenty-four hours a day even while you are sleeping.

The more you gain muscle with weights or simple exercises like lunges or squats will help you get stronger, build muscle, burn fat and get a flat stomach. One way women are looking to accomplish this is through Pilates. Pilates strengthens your whole body by focusing on your core. Cardio is another technique women use to get the abs of their dreams.

A good way to start out is doing a low-intensity cardio workout like speed walking. The thing to remember with cardio is that as the months of doing it roll by, the pace you do your workout at has to increase.

Certain ab exercises have added to the success of girls achieving the abdominal they want. A great ab exercise is raised leg crunches. This exercise is done lying flat on the floor on your back with your hand behind your ears. Bend your legs at a 90-degree angle off of the floor. Pull both knees towards your head forcing your core into a crunch position. Then, lower our core down into a resting position by lowering your knees back into their starting position. This exercise intensifies the concentration on the core muscles while combining all of the muscles of the legs which is a key feature for ab workouts for women. You can repeat each movement for 30 seconds.

Another kind of crunch exercise that will combine all of the abdominal muscles and all of the muscles in the lower and upper legs is something some women call Super crunches. Like raised leg, a crunches, this type of crunch exercise is also done by lying flat on your back on the floor. Bring your legs into a bent position 90degrees of the floor and parallel with the ceiling. Then, bring both knees towards your head and crunch your core.

Make sure that you are targeting your abs and are exhaling as your bring your knees towards your head. You can repeat this exercise for 30 seconds. Crunches are vital for women to achieve flat abs because they blast through fat and raise the metabolism which helps to burn calories while building muscle. They also allow women to work at their own pace and to work up the intensity level with time.

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